Welcome to our in-depth biblical study on:
The Doctrine of Salvation
"Righteousness by Faith"
Really Works
"Righteousness by Faith"
Really Works
You know
God is love,
but do you know
how God's love saves
even a wretch like me?
Here is where you will learn the true gospel of Christ
and the infinite saving love and power of God.
We are sharing this Good News, because
it is foundational to the Christian faith, and
because sadly, most believers are missing out
on half of the true Gospel to their peril.
How well do you understand
the process of salvation?
Do you want to experience
the love and power of God
in your daily life?
It is our prayer that you
learn, live, and share
with others
this GREAT News --
how salvation really works!
God is love,
but do you know
how God's love saves
even a wretch like me?
Here is where you will learn the true gospel of Christ
and the infinite saving love and power of God.
We are sharing this Good News, because
it is foundational to the Christian faith, and
because sadly, most believers are missing out
on half of the true Gospel to their peril.
How well do you understand
the process of salvation?
Do you want to experience
the love and power of God
in your daily life?
It is our prayer that you
learn, live, and share
with others
this GREAT News --
how salvation really works!